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  • Writer's picturetoriannegold

Help, I'm Already Failing

ok, that's an over exaggeration.

I am truly struggling, but not for the reasons you may think.

I'm a planner. Spontaneity is not in my character. Give me a list, or better yet, have me MAKE the list 1 month in advance and let me pack a week before we leave. I'll print you out an itinerary, a driving map, and a playlist I have already curated to fit my mood for the day.

But you can't plan all aspects of life. You can't plan when your 2 year old is going to get sick at least once a week after starting a new daycare. You can't plan that your body is going to start acting 30 years older than you are, or the fact that there is more ice on the ground than there is grass.

Sometimes you have to let God, (or whatever you believe in) take the reigns for a bit.


But How?


This seems to be my "solve all" solution to most things in my life, but it is a game changer.

All journalling doesn't have to look the same. You can write in a physical book, you can do it on your computer. You can record a video, or you can doodle journal! There are honestly so many ways to funnel your thoughts out of your own brain.

Personally, I'm a physical journal kind of a person, and my journal has seen better days.

(I can't find a link to the exact journal I use, so here is a similar one-

This Eccolo World Traveller Journal I have had since May 18th, 2020, and I can still probably make it through this year before I have to purchase another one.

Also find yourself a favorite pen! Mine is the Uniball Signo 207 Bold (

Ask for Help

Do not be ashamed to admit when you need help. I'll be the first to admit that asking for help feels like I'm giving up, however, you do have to realize that asking for help provides an opportunity to learn.

Get back to the Basics

When you're stressed, it's best not to overwhelm yourself. Get back down to the basics. Eat Protein, Drink water, take a shower.

Before you are able to attack your goals or tasks, you need to make sure you are able to take care of your most basic needs.

Step Back and Re-evaluate

One of my goals for this year was to attend Orange Theory 6 times a month.

Because of personal injuries that I've had for years that I'm finally able to address, I have decided to freeze my Orange Theory membership for the time being to provide myself an opportunity to heal. This does not mean I'm a failure (I keep telling myself), this just means I have to re-evaluate the overall goal.

Don't be ashamed to admit to yourself that your plan may not be the best option for you right now.


We can't predict everything (sadly). So just because you may have already failed at your new years resolution, this does NOT mean you have to quit.

Step Back


Get Back at it.

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